Crossing Boundaries,
Living Research
19 January 2015
crossing_boundaries 2014

Istituto Svizzero di Roma

Ethnography, Ethnomethodology, and Experimentation

In social studies of science and research practices, it has become common currency to investigate boundaries and boundary work, as well as hybrid forms of collaboration, between and across disciplines. This meeting is designed as an interdisciplinary workshop on “crossing boundaries” in field research, with a particular emphasis on ethnography, ethnomethodology, and experimentation. In preparation of the workshop, participants are invited to read the following four texts:

Barry A., Born G., “Interdisciplinarity: Reconfigurations of the social and natural sciences”, in Barry and Born eds., Interdisciplinarity. Reconfigurations of the Social and Natural Sciences. New York: Routledge (2013), 1-56

Jayyusi L., “Le vécu, le produit et le manifeste: Observations sur un ordre conflictuel”, in Olszewska, B., Barthélémy, M. and Laugier, S. eds., Les données de l’enquête. Paris: PUF (2010), 227-281

O’Dell T., Willim R., “Composing Ethnography” in Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology. Special Issue: Irregular Ethnographies, 41(1), (2011), 27-40

Pollner M., Emerson M., “Ethnomethodology and Ethnography”, in Atkinson P., Delamont S., Lofland J., Lofland L., eds., Handbook of Ethnography. London: Sage, (2001), 118-135

The workshop is organized into three parts. First, an introduction to field research in (multi-sited) ethnography and ethnomethodology will be given. Second, a video-based case study of border crossings between countries in conflict will be presented and discussed. Third, the heuristic interest of crossing boundaries in, between, and across disciplines will be probed. This third part marks the experimental moment of the workshop, as participants are invited to engage in and to reflect upon interdisciplinary investigation(s).

Nota bene: the indicated list of texts is a shortlist – that is, it is the result of consulting other texts of related interest, among which The everyday world as a phenomenon (Zimmerman, Pollner 1970), Multi-sited ethnography (Hine 2007), What is archeological ethnography? (Hamilakis, Anagnostopoulos 2009), Boundaries of science (Gieryn 1995), Europe as borderland (Balibar 2004), The study of boundaries in the social sciences (Lamont, Molnar 2002), On the demise of the native (Sharrock, Anderson 1982), Science as a vacation (Lynch 2009), The disunities of the sciences (Hacking 1996), Sociologie critique et sociologie de la critique (Boltanski 1990), Le sociologue et le touriste (Quéré 2002), Il faut sauver les phénomènes! Mais comment? (Quéré 2004), The politics of maps (Leuenberger, Schnell 2010), as well as:

Del Baggio C., Campi A., “Regards sur les migrants de longue distance en Grèce. Analyse de procédures et d’acteurs à partir de trois points d’observations privilégiés: la région d’Evros, Athènes et Patras”, in L’Espace Politique. Revue en ligne de géographie politique et géopolitique. N° 2 (2013), 1-26.

Tsianos V., Karakayali S., “Transnational migration and the Emergence of the European Border Regime: An Ethnographic Analysis”, European Journal of Social Theory, 13(3),(2010), 373-387.

Any of these texts can be made available upon request, and may thus become part of the “occasioned corpus” of Studio Roma 2014-15.

Invited participants only

Monday 19 January 2015, 2.30pm – 5.30pm

Istituto Svizzero di Roma – via Ludovisi, 48

Monday 19 January
Istituto Svizzero di Roma – via Ludovisi, 48

2.30pm – 5.30pm

Participation by invitation

Gallery: Crossing boundaries, living research - 19 January 2015